Publikationen von R Pohmann

Zeitschriftenartikel (80)

Pohmann, R.; Avdievich, N.; Scheffler, K.: Signal-to-noise ratio versus field strength for small surface coils. NMR in Biomedicine 37, e5168, S. 10 (2024)
Jiang, Y.; Pais-Roldán, P.; Pohmann, R.; Yu, X.: High spatiotemporal resolution radial encoding single vessel fMRI. Advanced Science 11 (26), e202309218 (2024)
Zerweck, L.; Pohmann, R.; Klose, U.; Martirosian, P.; Haas, P.; Ernemann, U.; Khan, N.; Roder, C.; Hauser, T.-K.; Hennersdorf, F.: Evaluation of the contribution of individual arteries to the cerebral blood supply in patients with Moyamoya angiopathy: comparison of vessel-encoded arterial spin labeling and digital subtraction angiography. Neuroradiology 66 (7), S. 1131 - 1140 (2024)
Choi, S.; Hike, D.; Pohmann, R.; Avdievich, N.; Gomez-Cid, L.; Man, W.; Scheffler, K.; Yu, X.: Alpha-180 spin-echo based line-scanning method for high resolution laminar-specific fMRI in animals. Imaging Neuroscience 2, S. 1 - 14 (2024)
Bernard, R.; Valverde Salzmann, M.; Scheffler, K.; Pohmann, R.: Concurrent intrinsic optical imaging and fMRI at ultra high field using magnetic field proof optical components. NMR in Biomedicine 36 (7), e4909 (2023)
Othman, A.; Liang, C.; Komma, Y.; Munz, M.; Kolb, M.; Rath, D.; Gückel, B.; Pohmann, R.; Nikolaou, K.; Schwartz, M. et al.; Küstner, T.; Martirosian, P.; Seith, F.: Free-breathing Arterial Spin Labeling MRI for the Detection of Pulmonary Embolism. Radiology 307 (3), e221998 (2023)
Chen, X.; Jiang, Y.; Choi, S.; Pohmann, R.; Scheffler, K.; Kleinfeld, D.; Yu, X.: Correction: Assessment of single-vessel cerebral blood velocity by phase contrast fMRI. PLoS Biology 20 (12), e3001951 (2022)
Zhang, C.; Groezinger, G.; Kreißelmeier, K.-P.; Othman, A.; Martirosian, P.; Pohmann, R.; Seith, F.: Monitoring Pulmonary Thrombectomy: What Information Can Be Gained with Arterial Spin Labeling MRI? Korean Journal of Radiology 23 (9), S. 931 - 934 (2022)
Chen, X.; Jiang, Y.; Choi, S.; Pohmann, R.; Scheffler, K.; Kleinfeld, D.; Yu, X.: Assessment of single-vessel cerebral blood velocity by phase contrast fMRI. PLoS Biology 19 (9), e3000923 (2021)
Pérez-Rodas, M.; Pohmann, R.; Scheffler, K.; Heule, R.: Intravascular BOLD signal characterization of balanced SSFP experiments in human blood at high to ultrahigh fields. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 85 (4), S. 2055 - 2068 (2021)
Wiesner, H.; Balla, D.; Scheffler, K.; Ugurbil, K.; Zhu, X.-H.; Chen , W.; Uludag, K.; Pohmann, R.: Quantitative and simultaneous measurement of oxygen consumption rates in rat brain and skeletal muscle using 17 O MRS imaging at 16.4T. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 85 (4), S. 2232 - 2246 (2021)
Seith, F.; Pohmann, R.; Schwartz, M.; Küstner, T.; Othman, A.; Kolb, M.; Scheffler, K.; Nikolaou, K.; Schick, F.; Martirosian, P.: Imaging Pulmonary Blood Flow Using Pseudocontinuous Arterial Spin Labeling (PCASL) With Balanced Steady-State Free-Precession (bSSFP) Readout at 1.5T. Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging 52 (6), S. 1767 - 1782 (2020)
Bause, J.; Polimeni, J.; Stelzer, J.; In, M.-H.; Ehses, P.; Kraemer-Fernandez, P.; Aghaeifar, A.; Lacosse, E.; Pohmann, R.; Scheffler, K.: Impact of prospective motion correction, distortion correction methods and large vein bias on the spatial accuracy of cortical laminar fMRI at 9.4 Tesla. NeuroImage 208, 116434, S. 1 - 16 (2020)
Gambino, G.; Gambino, T.; Pohmann, R.; Angelovski, G.: A ratiometric 19F MR-based method for the quantification of Ca2+ using responsive paramagnetic probes. Chemical Communications 56 (24), S. 3492 - 3495 (2020)
Tuzzi, E.; Balla, D.; Loureiro, J.; Neumann, M.; Laske, C.; Pohmann, R.; Preische, O.; Scheffler, K.; Hagberg, G.: Ultra-High Field MRI in Alzheimer's Disease: Effective Transverse Relaxation Rate and Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping of Human Brain In Vivo and Ex Vivo Compared to Histology. Journal of Alzheimer's Disease 73 (4), S. 1481 - 1499 (2020)
Handwerker, J.; Pérez-Rodas, M.; Beyerlein, M.; Vincent, F.; Beck, A.; Freytag, N.; Yu, X.; Pohmann, R.; Anders, J.; Scheffler, K.: A CMOS NMR needle for probing brain physiology with high spatial and temporal resolution. Nature methods 17 (1), S. 64 - 67 (2020)
Zaiss, M.; Anemone, A.; Goerke, S.; Longo, D.; Herz, K.; Pohmann, R.; Aime, S.; Rivlin, M.; Navon, G.; Golay, X. et al.; Scheffler, K.: Cover Image, Volume 32, Issue 9. NMR in Biomedicine 32 (9) (2019)
Zaiss, M.; Anemone, A.; Goerke, S.; Longo, D.; Herz, K.; Pohmann, R.; Aime, S.; Rivlin, M.; Navon, G.; Golay, X. et al.; Scheffler, K.: Quantification of hydroxyl exchange of D‐Glucose at physiological conditions for optimization of glucoCEST MRI at 3, 7 and 9.4 Tesla. NMR in Biomedicine 32 (9), S. 1 - 14 (2019)
Martirosian, P.; Pohmann, R.; Schraml, C.; Schwartz, M.; Kuestner, T.; Schwenzer, N.; Scheffler, K.; Nikolaou, K.; Schick, F.: Spatial-temporal perfusion patterns of the human liver assessed by pseudo-continuous arterial spin labeling MRI. Zeitschrift für Medizinische Physik 29 (2), S. 173 - 183 (2019)
Buckenmaier, K.; Rudolph, M.; Fehling, P.; Steffen, T.; Back, C.; Bernard, R.; Pohmann, R.; Bernarding, J.; Kleiner, R.; Koelle, D. et al.; Plaumann, M.; Scheffler, K.: Mutual benefit achieved by combining ultralow-field magnetic resonance and hyperpolarizing techniques. Review of Scientific Instruments 89 (12), 125103, S. 1 - 12 (2018)
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