Publikationen von K Scheffler
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Zeitschriftenartikel (391)
36 (10), e4981 (2023)
Double-Row 16-element Folded-End Dipole Transceiver Array for 3D RF Shimming of the Human Whole Brain at 9.4 T. NMR in Biomedicine 22.
90 (4), S. 1713 - 1727 (2023)
Reconfigurable dipole receive array for dynamic parallel imaging at ultra-high magnetic field. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 23.
38 (10), S. 1973 - 1974 (2023)
Reply to: "Susceptibility-Weighted Imaging Reveals Subcortical Iron Deposition in PLAN: The 'Double Cortex Sign'". Movement Disorders 24.
36 (5), S. 797 - 813 (2023)
Prediction of motion induced magnetic fields for human brain MRI at 3 T. Magnetic Resonance Materials in Physics, Biology and Medicine 25.
36 (7), e4909 (2023)
Concurrent intrinsic optical imaging and fMRI at ultra high field using magnetic field proof optical components. NMR in Biomedicine 26.
11, 1209505 (2023)
Magnetic properties of iron-filled hydrogel clusters: a model system for quantitative susceptibility mapping with MRI. Frontiers in Physics 27.
13 (1), 11938 (2023)
The structural connectivity mapping of the intralaminar thalamic nuclei. Scientific Reports 28.
110, 102590 (2023)
Simulated and experimental phantom data for multi-center quality assurance of quantitative susceptibility maps at 3 T, 7 T and 9.4 T. Physica Medica 29.
36 (6), e4697 (2023)
Linear projection-based chemical exchange saturation transfer parameter estimation. NMR in Biomedicine 30.
38 (5), S. 904 - 906 (2023)
Susceptibility-Weighted Imaging Reveals Subcortical Iron Deposition in PLA2G6-associated Neurodegeneration: The "Double Cortex Sign". Movement Disorders 31.
89 (4), S. 1543 - 1556 (2023)
DeepCEST 7 T: Fast and homogeneous mapping of 7 T CEST MRI parameters and their uncertainty quantification. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 32.
36 (2), S. 191 - 210 (2023)
Germany's journey toward 14 Tesla human magnetic resonance. Magnetic Resonance Materials in Physics, Biology and Medicine 33.
127 (14), S. 6744 - 6753 (2023)
LIGHT-SABRE Hyperpolarizes 1-13C-Pyruvate Continuously without Magnetic Field Cycling. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 34.
17, 1116002 (2023)
Functional mapping of sensorimotor activation in the human thalamus at 9.4 Tesla. Frontiers in Neuroscience 35.
89 (1), S. 322 - 330 (2023)
Optimized ultrahigh field parallel transmission workflow using rapid presaturated TurboFLASH transmit field mapping with a three-dimensional centric single-shot readout. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 36.
89 (1), S. 29 - 39 (2023)
Deuterium metabolic imaging of the human brain in vivo at 7 T. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 37.
20 (12), e3001951 (2022)
Correction: Assessment of single-vessel cerebral blood velocity by phase contrast fMRI. PLoS Biology 38.
88 (5), S. 2267 - 2276 (2022)
Phase-based masking for quantitative susceptibility mapping of the human brain at 9.4T. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 39.
5, 1187 (2022)
Relay and higher-order thalamic nuclei show an intertwined functional association with cortical-networks. Communications Biology 40.
19 (11), S. 1500 - 1509 (2022)
Estimation of skeletal kinematics in freely moving rodents. Nature Methods