Publikationen von G Palm

Buchkapitel (5)

Palm, G.: Information und Entropie. In: Natur und Wissenschaft, S. 95 - 109 (Hg. Hesse, H.). Konkursbuchverlag Gehrke, Tübingen, Germany (1985)

Konferenzband (4)

Aertsen, A.; Palm, G.; Popp, M.; Schüz, A. (Hg.): Wahrnehmungen des Gehirns: Beiträge zu einem Symposium zum 60. Geburtstag von Valentin Braitenberg. Wahrnehmungen des Gehirns: Symposium zum 60. Geburtstag von Valentin Braitenberg, Tübingen, Germany, 27. Juni 1986. Max-Planck-Institut für Biologische Kybernetik, Tübingen, Germany (1987), 155 S.
Palm, G.; Aertsen, A. (Hg.): Brain theory: Proceedings of the First Trieste Meeting on Brain Theory. First Trieste Meeting on Brain Theory, Trieste, Italy, 01. Oktober 1984 - 04. Oktober 1984. Springer, Berlin, Germany (1986), 257 S.
Brain Theory: Proceedings of the First Trieste Meeting on Brain Theory, October 1–4, 1984. First Trieste Meeting on Brain Theory, Trieste, Italy, 01. Oktober 1984 - 04. Oktober 1984. Springer, Berlin, Germany (1986), 257 S.
Heim, R.; Palm, G. (Hg.): Theoretical Approaches to Complex Systems (Lecture Notes in Biomathematics, 21). Symposium Theoretical Approaches to Complex Systems 1977, Tübingen, Germany, 11. Juni 1977 - 12. Juni 1977. Springer, Berlin, Germany (1978)

Konferenzbeitrag (15)

Aertsen, A.; Erb, M.; Palm, G.; Schüz, A.: Coherent Assembly Dynamics in the Cortex: Multi-Neuron Recordings, Network Simulations and Anatomical Considerations. In: Oscillatory event related brain dynamics, S. 59 - 83 (Hg. Pantev, C.; Elbert, T.; Lütkenhöner, B.). NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Oscillatory Event Related Brain Dynamics 1993, Tecklenburg, Germany, 01. September 1993 - 05. September 1993. Plenum Press, New York, NY, USA (1994)
Preißl, H.; Aertsen, A.; Palm, G.: Are Fractal Dimensions a Good Measure for Neuronal Activity? In: Parallel Processing in Neural Systems and Computers, S. 83 - 86 (Hg. Eckmiller, R.; Hartmann, G.; Hauske, G.). International Conference on Parallel Processing in Neural Systems and Computers (ICNC 1990), Düsseldorf, Germany, 19. März 1990 - 21. März 1990. North-Holland, Amsterdam, The Netherlands (1990)
Palm, G.: On the Asymptotic Information Storage Capacity of Neural Networks. In: Neural Computers, S. 271 - 280 (Hg. Eckmiller, R.; von der Malsburg, C.). NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Neural Computers, Neuss, Germany, 28. September 1987 - 02. Oktober 1987. Springer, Berlin, Germany (1989)
Erb, M.; Palm, G.: Lernen und Informationsspeicherung in neuronalen Netzen. In: Digitale Speicher: Vorträge der ITG-Fachtagung 1988, S. 379 - 390 (Hg. Hilberg, W.). ITG-Fachtagung 1988, Darmstadt, Germany, 19. September 1988 - 21. September 1988. VDE-Verlag, Berlin, Germany (1988)
Palm, G.: On Associative Memories. In: Physics of cognitive processes: Amalfi 1986, S. 380 - 422 (Hg. Caianiello, E.). International Symposium on Physics of cognitive processes, Amalfi, Italy, 16. Juni 1986 - 20. Juni 1986. World Scientific, Singapore (1987)
Braitenberg, V.; Palm, G.: Describing the brain in logical terms or the logical terms in the brain. In: Logica e Filosofia della Scienza, oggi: Atti del Congresso, Bd. II, S. 27 - 31 (Hg. Corsi, G.; Sambin, G.). Congresso Logica e Filosofia della Scienza, oggi, San Gimignano, Italy, 07. Dezember 1983 - 11. Dezember 1983. CLUEB, Bologna, Italy (1986)
Braitenberg, V.; Palm, G.: Report of the First Meeting on Brain Theory: held at the International Centre for Theoretical Physics in Miramare, (Trieste) Italy, October 1–4, 1984. In: Brain Theory: Proceedings of the First Trieste Meeting on Brain Theory, October 1–4, 1984, S. 1 - 3 (Hg. Palm, G.; Aertsen, A.). 1st Trieste Meeting on Brain Theory, Trieste, Italy, 01. Oktober 1984 - 04. Oktober 1984. Springer, Berlin, Germany (1986)
Palm, G.: Associative Networks and Cell Assemblies. In: Brain Theory: Proceedings of the First Trieste Meeting on Brain Theory, October 1–4, 1984, S. 211 - 228 (Hg. Palm, G.; Aertsen, A.). 1st Trieste Meeting on Brain Theory, Trieste, Italy, 01. Oktober 1984 - 04. Oktober 1984. Springer, Berlin, Germany (1986)
Palm, G.: Warren McCulloch and Walter Pitts: A Logical Calculus of the Ideas Immanent in Nervous Activity. In: Brain Theory: Proceedings of the First Trieste Meeting on Brain Theory, October 1–4, 1984, S. 229 - 230 (Hg. Palm, G.; Aertsen, A.). 1st Trieste Meeting on Brain Theory, Trieste, Italy, 01. Oktober 1984 - 04. Oktober 1984. Springer, Berlin, Germany (1986)
Palm, G.: Local Synaptic Modification Can Lead to Organized Connectivity Patterns in Associative Memory. In: Synergetics - From Microscopic to Macroscopic Order: Proceedings of the International Symposium on Synergetics at Berlin, July 4–8, 1983, S. 229 - 242 (Hg. Frehland, E.). International Symposium on Synergetics, Berlin, Germany, 04. Juli 1983 - 08. Juli 1983. Springer, Berlin, Germany (1984)
Palm, G.: How Useful are Associative Memories? In: Biomathematics in 1980: Papers presented at a Workshop on Biomathematics: Current Status and Future Perspective, S. 145 - 153 (Hg. Ricciardi, L.; Scott, A.). Workshop on Biomathematics: Current Status and Future Perspectives, Salerno, Italy, 1980-04. North Holland Publ., Amsterdam, The Netherlands (1982)
Palm, G.: Rules for synaptic changes and their relevance for the storage of information in the brain. In: Cybernetics and Systems Research, Bd. 1, S. 277 - 280 (Hg. Trappl, R.). Sixth European Meeting on Cybernetics and Systems Research, Wien, Austria, 13. April 1982 - 16. April 1982. North Holland Publ., Amsterdam, The Netherlands (1982)
Palm, G.: Asymptotic System Analysis and Goal Functions. In: Theoretical Approaches to Complex Systems, S. 51 - 65 (Hg. Heim, R.; Palm, G.). Symposium Theoretical Approaches to Complex Systems 1977, Tübingen, Germany, 11. Juni 1977 - 12. Juni 1977. Springer, Berlin, Germany (1978)
Palm, G.; Braitenberg, V.: Tentative contributions of neuroanatomy to nerve net theories. Symposium on General Systems Methodology, Fuzzy Mathematics and Fuzzy Systems, Biocybernetics and Theoretical Neurobiology. General systems methodology, fuzzy mathematics and fuzzy systems, biocybernetics and theoretical neurobiology, S. 369 - 374 (1978)
Palm, G.: A common generalization of topological and measure-theoretic entropy. International Conference on Dynamical Systems in Mathematical Physics 1975, Rennes, France, 14. September 1975 - 21. September 1975. Astérisque 40, S. 159 - 165 (1976)