Publikationen von A Thielscher
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Zeitschriftenartikel (54)
2 (1-15) (2024)
MR imaging of the magnetic fields induced by injected currents can guide improvements of individualized head volume conductor models. Imaging Neuroscience 2.
91 (2), S. 443 - 465 (2024)
Accelerated 2D Cartesian MRI with an 8-channel local B0 coil array combined with parallel imaging. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 3.
90 (5), S. 1874 - 1888 (2023)
Volumetric measurements of weak current-induced magnetic fields in the human brain at high resolution. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 4.
86 (6), S. 3131 - 3146 (2021)
Sensitivity and resolution improvement for in-vivo magnetic resonance current density imaging (MRCDI) of the human brain. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 5.
243, 118517, S. 1 - 15 (2021)
On the Reconstruction of Magnetic Resonance Current Density Images of the Human Brain: Pitfalls and Perspectives. NeuroImage 6.
14 (3), S. 488 - 497 (2021)
Safety Evaluation of a New Setup for Transcranial Electric Stimulation during Magnetic Resonance Imaging. Brain Stimulation 7.
59, S. 142 - 150 (2019)
The stray magnetic fields in Magnetic Resonance Current Density Imaging (MRCDI). Physica Medica 8.
81 (1), S. 719 - 729 (2019)
Comparison of prospective head motion correction with NMR field probes and an optical tracking system. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 9.
11, S. 195 - 207 (2019)
A review on Tumor Treating Fields (TTFields): Clinical implications inferred from computational modeling. IEEE Reviews in Biomedical Engineering 10.
181, S. 560 - 567 (2018)
On the importance of precise electrode placement for targeted transcranial electric stimulation. NeuroImage 11.
171, S. 26 - 39 (2018)
Human in-vivo brain magnetic resonance current density imaging (MRCDI). NeuroImage 12.
23 (2), S. 624 - 635 (2018)
An MR-Compatible Haptic Interface with Seven Degrees of Freedom. IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics 13.
79 (2), S. 748 - 760 (2018)
Sensitivity analysis of magnetic field measurements for magnetic resonance electrical impedance tomography (MREIT). Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 14.
46 (12), S. 2807 - 2816 (2017)
Transcranial magnetic stimulation of right inferior parietal cortex causally influences prefrontal activation for visual detection. European Journal of Neuroscience 15.
27 (11), S. 5083 - 5094 (2017)
Where does TMS Stimulate the Motor Cortex? Combining Electrophysiological Measurements and Realistic Field Estimates to Reveal the Affected Cortex Position. Cerebral Cortex 16.
12 (8), S. 1 - 20 (2017)
Comparing TMS perturbations to occipital and parietal cortices in concurrent TMS-fMRI studies: Methodological considerations. PLoS One 17.
12 (6), e0179214 (2017)
Impact of tumor position, conductivity distribution and tissue homogeneity on the distribution of tumor treating fields in a human brain: A computer modeling study. PLoS One 18.
15, S. 106 - 117 (2017)
The impact of large structural brain changes in chronic stroke patients on the electric field caused by transcranial brain stimulation. NeuroImage: Clinical 19.
11 (10), S. 1 - 25 (2016)
Enhancing Predicted Efficacy of Tumor Treating Fields Therapy of Glioblastoma Using Targeted Surgical Craniectomy: A Computer Modeling Study. PLoS ONE 20.
9 (5), S. 700 - 704 (2016)
Evaluation of a Modified High-Definition Electrode Montage for Transcranial Alternating Current Stimulation (tACS) of Pre-Central Areas. Brain Stimulation