Publikationen von A Brielmann

Zeitschriftenartikel (23)

Nath, S.; Brändle, F.; Schulz, E.; Dayan, P.; Brielmann, A.: Relating Objective Complexity, Subjective Complexity and Beauty in Binary Pixel Patterns. Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts Epub ahead (2024)
Brielmann, A.; Berentelg, M.; Dayan, P.: Modelling individual aesthetic judgements over time. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, Series B: Biological Sciences 379 (1895), 20220414 (2024)
Frame, J.; Gugliano, M.; Brielmann, A.; Belfi, A.: Your ears don't change what your eyes like: People can independently report the pleasure of music and images. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 49 (6), S. 774 - 785 (2023)
Pombo, M.; Brielmann, A.; Pelli, D.: The intrinsic variance of beauty judgment. Attention, Perception & Psychophysics 85 (4), S. 1355 - 1373 (2023)
Brielmann, A.; Dayan, P.: A computational model of aesthetic value. Psychological Review 129 (6), S. 1319 - 1337 (2022)
Brielmann, A.; Buras, N.; Salingaros, N.; Taylor, R.: What Happens in Your Brain When You Walk Down the Street? Implications of Architectural Proportions, Biophilia, and Fractal Geometry for Urban Science. Urban Science 6 (1), 3 (2022)
Brielmann, A.; Nuzzo, A.; Pelli, D.: Beauty, the feeling. Acta Psychologica 219, S. 1 - 12 (2021)
Brielmann, A.; Pelli, D.: The pleasure of multiple images. Attention, Perception & Psychophysics 83 (3), S. 1179 - 1188 (2021)
Brielmann, A.; Pelli, D.: Correction to: The pleasure of multiple images. Attention, Perception & Psychophysics 83 (3), S. 1189 (2021)
Brielmann, A.; Pelli, D.: Tracking two pleasures. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review 27 (4), S. 330 - 340 (2020)
Brielmann, A.; Pelli, D.: Intense Beauty Requires Intense Pleasure. Frontiers in Psychology 10, 2420, S. 1 - 17 (2019)
Belfi, A.; Vessel, E.; Brielmann, A.; Isik , A.; Chatterjee, A.; Leder, H.; Pelli, D.; Starr, G.: Dynamics of aesthetic experience are reflected in the default-mode network. NeuroImage 188, S. 584 - 597 (2019)
Brielmann, A.; Pelli, D.: Aesthetics. Current Biology 28 (16), S. R859 - R863 (2018)
Brielmann, A.; Vale, L.; Pelli, D.: Beauty at a glance: The feeling of beauty and the amplitude of pleasure are independent of stimulus duration. Journal of Vision 17 (14), 9, S. 1 - 12 (2017)
Brielmann, A.; Pelli, D.: Beauty Requires Thought. Current Biology 27 (10), S. 1506 - 1513 (2017)
Stolarova, M.; Brielmann, A.; Wolf, C.; Rinker, T.; Burke, T.; Baayen, H.: Early Vocabulary in Relation to Gender, Bilingualism, Type, and Duration of Childcare. Advances in Cognitive Psychology 12 (4), S. 130 - 144 (2016)
Brielmann, A.; Gaetano, J.; Stolarova, M.: Man, You Might Look Like a Woman: If a Child Is Next to You. Advances in Cognitive Psychology 11 (3), S. 84 - 96 (2015)
Brielmann, A.; Spering, M.: Effects of reward on the accuracy and dynamics of smooth pursuit eye movements. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 41 (4), S. 917 - 928 (2015)
Brielmann, A.; Stolarova, M.: Does it matter how you ask? Self-reported emotions to depictions of need-of-help and social context. BMC Psychology 3, 10, S. 1 - 16 (2015)
Brielmann, A.; Bülthoff, I.; Armann, R.: Looking at faces from different angles: Europeans fixate different features in Asian and Caucasian faces. Vision Research 100, S. 105 - 112 (2014)
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