Publikationen von P Ehses
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Zeitschriftenartikel (44)
92 (2), S. 645 - 659 (2024)
Intra-scan RF power amplifier drift correction. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine
92 (1), S. 186 - 201 (2024)
Submillimeter balanced SSFP BOLD-functional MRI accelerated with 3D stack-of-spirals at 9.4 T. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine
37 (2), S. 169 - 183 (2024)
The possible influence of third-order shim coils on gradient-magnet interactions: an inter-field and inter-site study. Magnetic Resonance Materials in Physics, Biology and Medicine
35 (6) (2022)
High-resolution neural network-driven mapping of multiple diffusion metrics leveraging asymmetries in the balanced steady-state free precession frequency profile. NMR in Biomedicine
232, 117910 (2021)
The Traveling Heads 2.0: Multicenter Reproducibility of Quantitative Imaging Methods at 7 Tesla. NeuroImage
84 (5), S. 2469 - 2483 (2020)
Whole brain snapshot CEST at 3T using 3D-EPI: Aiming for speed, volume, and homogeneity. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine
208, 116434, S. 1 - 16 (2020)
Impact of prospective motion correction, distortion correction methods and large vein bias on the spatial accuracy of cortical laminar fMRI at 9.4 Tesla. NeuroImage
33 (3), S. 1 - 15 (2020)
Structure or Exchange? On the Feasibility of Chemical Exchange Detection with Balanced Steady‐State Free Precession in Tissue: An In Vitro Study. NMR in Biomedicine
82 (5), S. 1741 - 1752 (2019)
Whole‐brain snapshot CEST imaging at 7 T using 3D‐EPI. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine
81 (6), S. 3901 - 3914 (2019)
DeepCEST: 9.4 T Chemical exchange saturation transfer MRI contrast predicted from 3 T data – a proof of concept study. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine
81 (1), S. 573 - 582 (2019)
Assessment of frequency drift on CEST MRI and dynamic correction: application to gagCEST at 7 T. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine
179, S. 144 - 155 (2018)
Chemical exchange saturation transfer MRI contrast in the human brain at 9.4 T. NeuroImage
80 (3), S. 958 - 968 (2018)
Autofocusing-based phase correction. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine
171, S. 26 - 39 (2018)
Human in-vivo brain magnetic resonance current density imaging (MRCDI). NeuroImage
79 (5), S. 2620 - 2628 (2018)
SAR and scan-time optimized 3D whole-brain double inversion recovery imaging at 7T. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine
31 (4), S. 1 - 14 (2018)
Snapshot-CEST: Optimizing spiral-centric-reordered gradient echo acquisition for fast and robust 3D CEST MRI at 9.4 T. NMR in Biomedicine
79 (2), S. 994 - 1000 (2018)
Multiline balanced SSFP for rapid functional imaging at ultrahigh field. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine
79 (2), S. 748 - 760 (2018)
Sensitivity analysis of magnetic field measurements for magnetic resonance electrical impedance tomography (MREIT). Magnetic Resonance in Medicine
163, S. 13 - 23 (2017)
The impact of vessel size, orientation and intravascular contribution on the neurovascular fingerprint of BOLD bSSFP fMRI. NeuroImage
78 (4), S. 1281 - 1295 (2017)
Fast and efficient free induction decay MR spectroscopic imaging of the human brain at 9.4 Tesla. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine