Publikationen von C Tessereau

Zeitschriftenartikel (1)

Tessereau, C.; O'Dea, R.; Coombes, S.; Bast, T.: Reinforcement learning approaches to hippocampus-dependent flexible spatial navigation. Brain and Neuroscience Advances 5, 2398212820975634 (2021)

Meeting Abstract (1)

Meeting Abstract
Tessereau, C.; Xuan, F.; Mellor, J.; Dayan, P.; Dombeck, D.: Midbrain dopamine activity produces regionally localized decision substrates. In Computational and Systems Neuroscience Meeting (COSYNE 2025), 3-053. Computational and Systems Neuroscience Meeting (COSYNE 2025), Montreal, Canada, 27. März 2025 - 30. März 2025. (2025)

Poster (3)

Tessereau, C.; Mellor, J.; Dayan, P.; Xuan, F.; Dombeck, D.: The hippocampus as an unpredicted map: Hippocampal traces of uncertainties induced by changes in reward distributions. Computational and Systems Neuroscience Meeting (COSYNE 2024), Lisboa, Portugal (2024)
Bougrova, K.; Bonacchi, N.; Catarino, J.; DeWitt, E.; Meijer, G.; Tessereau, C.; mainen, Z.: Comparing Neuromodulator Activity in a Visual Decision-Making Task. Champalimaud Research Neuro Symposium 2023, Lisboa, Portugal (2023)
Xuan, F.; Tessereau, C.; Ashby, M.; Clopath, C.; Jones, M.; Mainen, Z.; Pickering, T.; Walton, M.; Mellor, J.; Dayan, P. et al.; Dombeck, D.: Where did my Cheese Move? Behavioural and Hippocampal Traces of Uncertainties Induced by Changes in Reward Distributions. FENS Forum 2022, Paris, France (2022)

Preprint (2)

Tessereau, C.; Xuan, F.; Mellor, X.; Dayan, P.; Dombeck, D.: Navigating uncertainty: reward location variability induces reorganization of hippocampal spatial representations. (eingereicht)
Findling, C.; Hubert, F.; International Brain Lab; Acerbi, L.; Benson, B.; Benson, J.; Birman, D.; Bonacchi, N.; Bruijns, S.; Carandini, M. et al.; Catarino, J.; Chapuis, G.; Churchland, A.; Dan, Y.; Davatolhagh, F.; DeWitt, E.; Engel, T.; Fabbri, M.; Faulkner, M.; Fiete, I.; Freitas-Silva, L.; Gercek, B.; Harris, K.; Häusser, M.; Hofer, S.; Hu, F.; Huntenburg, J.; Khanal, A.; Krasniak, C.; Langdon, C.; Latham, P.; Lau, P.; Mainen, Z.; Meijer, G.; Miska, N.; Mrsic-Flogel, T.; Noel, J.-P.; Nylund, K.; Pan-Vazquez, A.; Paninski, L.; Pillow, J.; Rossant, C.; Roth, N.; Schaeffer, R.; Schartner, M.; Shi, Y.; Socha, K.; Steinmetz, N.; Svoboda, K.; Tessereau, C.; Urai, A.; Wells, M.; West, S.; Whiteway, M.; Winter, O.; Witten, I.; Zador, A.; Zhang, Y.; Dayan, P.; Pouget, A.: Brain-wide representations of prior information in mouse decision-making. (eingereicht)
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