Veröffentlichungen des Institutes

Zeitschriftenartikel (5538)

Stilianu, C.; Graf, C.; Huemer, M.; Diwoky, C.; Soellradl, M.; Rund, A.; Zaiss, M.; Stollberger, R.: Enhanced and robust contrast in CEST MRI: Saturation pulse shape design via optimal control. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 92 (5), S. 1867 - 1880 (2024)
Duecker, K.; Doelling, K.; Breska, A.; Coffey, E.; Sivarao, D.; Zoefel, B.: Challenges and Approaches in the Study of Neural Entrainment. The Journal of Neuroscience 44 (40), e1234242024 (2024)
Huemer, M.; Stilianu, C.; Maier, O.; Fabian, M.; Schmidt, M.; Doerfler, A.; Bredies, K.; Zaiss, M.; Stollberger, R.: Improved quantification in CEST-MRI by joint spatial total generalized variation. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 92 (4), S. 1683 - 1697 (2024)
Safavi, S.; Chalk, M.; Logothetis, N.; Levina, A.: Signatures of criticality in efficient coding networks. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 121 (41), e2302730121 (2024)
Spitschan, M.; Kervezee, L.; Lok, R.; McGlashan, E.; Najjar, R.: How stepping out helped us tune in: finding space and time to think as an early career researcher. NPJ Biological Timing and Sleep 1 (1), 9 (2024)
Alon, N.; Schulz, L.; Bell, V.; Moutoussis, M.; Dayan, P.; Barnby, J.: (Mal)adaptive Mentalizing in the Cognitive Hierarchy, and Its Link to Paranoia. Computational Psychiatry 8 (1), S. 159 - 177 (2024)
Binz, M.; Dasgupta, I.; Jagadish, A.; Botvinick, M.; Wang, J.; Schulz, E.: Meta-learning: Data, architecture, and both. Behavioral and Brain Sciences 47, e170 (2024)
Bröker, F.; Holt, L.; Roads, B.; Dayan, P.; Love, B.: Demystifying unsupervised learning: how it helps and hurts. Trends in Cognitive Sciences Epub ahead (2024)
Chang, H.; Perkins, M.; Novaes, L.; Qian, F.; Zhang, T.; Neckel, P.; Ley, R.; Han, W.; De Araújo, I.: Stress-sensitive neural circuits change the gut microbiome via duodenal glands. Cell 187 (19), S. 5393 - 5412 (2024)
Degutis, J.; Chaimow, D.; Haenelt, D.; Assem, M.; Duncan, J.; Haynes, J.-D.; Weiskopf, N.; Lorenz, R.: Dynamic layer-specific processing in the prefrontal cortex during working memory. Communications Biology 7 (1), 1140 (2024)
Finch, A.; Fernandez-Alonso, M.; Kirby, A.; Read, J.; Love, G.: Focusing on mixed narrow band stimuli: Implications for mechanisms of accommodation and displays. Journal of Vision 24 (9), 14 (2024)
Kabanova, A.; Yang, M.; Logothetis, N.; Eschenko, O.: Partial chemogenetic inhibition of the locus coeruleus due to heterogeneous transduction of noradrenergic neurons preserved auditory salience processing in wild-type rats. European Journal of Neuroscience Epub ahead (2024)
Ladd, M.; Quick, H.; Scheffler, K.; Speck, O.: Design requirements for human UHF magnets from the perspective of MRI scientists. Superconductor Science and Technology Epub ahead (2024)
Li, Y.; Ruhm, L.; Wang, Z.; Zhao, R.; Anderson, A.; Arnold, P.; Huesmann, G.; Henning, A.; Lam, F.: Joint learning of nonlinear representation and projection for fast constrained MRSI reconstruction. Magnetic Resonance Imaging Epub ahead (2024)
Tir, S.; White, R.; Spitschan, M.: Inclusion, reporting and analysis of demographic variables in chronobiology and sleep research. Frontiers in Neuroscience 18, 1421026 (2024)
Witt, A.; Toyokawa, W.; Lala, K.; Gaissmaier, W.; Wu, C.: Humans flexibly integrate social information despite interindividual differences in reward. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 121 (39), e2404928121 (2024)
Yang, C.; Mammen, L.; Kim, B.; Robson, D.; Li, J.: Publisher Correction: A population code for spatial representation in the zebrafish telencephalon. Nature Epub ahead (2024)
Aghaeifar, A.; Bosch, D.; Heule, R.; Williams, S.; Ehses, P.; Mauconduit, F.; Scheffler, K.: Intra-scan RF power amplifier drift correction. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 92 (2), S. 645 - 659 (2024)
Berkmann, F.; Povolni, P.; Schwarz, D.; Fischer, I.: Influence of material and geometry parameters on resonance linewidths of plasmonic modes in gratings made from highly doped Ge1−xSnx. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 57 (43), 435103 (2024)
Hagberg, G.; Golay, X.; Tosetti, M.: Towards quantitative MRI for the clinic. Physica Medica 124, 103418 (2024)
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