Publikationen von A Schüz
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Konferenzbeitrag (8)
Some conclusions, relevant to plasticity, derived from normal anatomy. In: Cellular mechanisms of conditioning and behavioral plasticity, S. 265 - 272 (Hg. Woody, C.; Alkon, D.; McGaugh, J.). Symposium on the "Cellular mechanisms of conditioning and behavioral plasticity", Seattle, WA, USA, 09. Juli 1986 - 12. Juli 1986. Plenum Press, New York, NY, USA (1988)
Aertsen, A.; Palm, G.; Popp, M.; Schüz, A.). Symposion zum 60. Geburtstag von Valentin Braitenberg 1986, Tübingen, Germany, 27. Juni 1986. Max-Planck-Institut für Biologische Kybernetik, Tübingen, Germany (1987)
Die Feinstruktur der Großhirnrinde oder: wie paßt das Gehirn in den Kopf? In: Wahrnehmungen des Gehirns: Beiträge zu einem Symposium zum 60. Geburtstag von Valentin Braitenberg, S. 17 - 38 (Hg. 63.
Comparison between the developmental calendars of the cerebral and cerebellar cortices in a precocial and an altricial rodent. In: Cerebellar functions, S. 318 - 321 (Hg. Bloedel, J.; Dichgans, J.; Precht, W.). International Meeting on Cerebellar Functions, Tübingen, Germany, 1983-09. Springer, Berlin, Germany (1984)
Prenatal formation of synapses and dendritic spines in Guinea-pig cortex and their postnatal changes. In: Neural Communication and Control, S. 279 - 285 (Hg. Székely, G.; Lábos, E.; Damjanovich, S.). Satellite Symposium of the 28th International Congress of Physiological Science, Debrecen, Hungary. Oxford, UK, Pergamon Press (1981)
Meeting Abstract (3)
Meeting Abstract
V1 cortical reorganization revisited: fMRI and electrophysiology in macaque following retinal lesions. In 34th Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience (Neuroscience 2004), 605.3. 34th Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience (Neuroscience 2004), San Diego, CA, USA, 23. Oktober 2004 - 27. Oktober 2004. (2004)
Meeting Abstract
119 (Supplement 1), S. 51 - 52 (Hg. de Vree, F.; de Gueldre, G.). Third International Congress of Vertebrate Morphology: Vertebrate Morphology Today, Antwerpen, Belgium, 20. August 1989 - 25. August 1989. (1989)
Synaptic and neuronal density in the cortex of the mouse. In Annales de la Societe Royale Zoologique de Belgique, 67.
Meeting Abstract
10 (1), 171.6, S. 579. 14th Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience (Neuroscience 1984), Anaheim, CA, USA, 10. Oktober 1984 - 15. Oktober 1984. (1984)
Comparison between the developmental calendars of the cerebral and cerebellar cortices in a precocial and an altricial rodent. In Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, Vortrag (25)
Cortico-Cortical Connections: Number and Distribution of Fibres, Axon Diameters and Conduction Velocities. Symposium on Cortico-Cortical Connectivity: From Structure to Dynamic Networks and Control of Behavior, Tübingen, Germany (2018)
What the structure of the cortex tells us about its particular function. Universiteit Leiden: Lorentz Center Highlights Lectures, Leiden, The Netherlands (2017)
Distribution of Axon Diameters in the Human Cortical White Matter and Its Relevance for Conduction Times in the Cerebral Cortex. 2017 PCS MENA Neuroscience Summit (PCS MENA NSS-2017): Opening Up More Choices for Well-being, Amman, Jordan (2017)
Networtk structure oft he cerebral cortex: quantitative studies on the grey and white matter in rodents, monkeys and humans. Université de Genève: Neuroscience Center, Genève, Switzerland (2016)
Network structure of the cerebral cortex: quantitative studies on the grey and white matter in rodents, monkeys and humans. Université de Genève: C. Lüscher Synapses, Circuits and Behaviour in Addiction and Related Disorders
, Genève, Switzerland (2016)
Cortico-cortical long-range connectivity Part 2: The human cortical white matter. NeuroMat Workshop: Random Graphs in the Brain, São Paulo, Brazil (2015)
Cortico-cortical long-range connectivity Part 1: Anatomical data from mouse and monkey. NeuroMat Workshop: Random Graphs in the Brain, São Paulo, Brazil (2015)
Quantitative neuroanatomy as a tool to understand cortical function Part 2: Network structure and functional conclusions. NeuroMat Workshop: Random Graphs in the Brain, São Paulo, Brazil (2015)
Quantitative neuroanatomy as a tool to understand cortical function Part 1: Methodological aspects. NeuroMat Workshop: Random Graphs in the Brain , São Paulo, Brazil (2015)
Quantitative aspects of cortico-cortical connections, with special reference to the cortical white matter. Institute of Neuroscience and Medicine: Computational and Systems Neuroscience: INM-6 Seminar , Jülich, Germany (2014)
Quantitative aspects of cortico-cortical connections, with special reference to the cortical white matter. Neurotalk 2014: BIT's 5th Annual World Congress of Neurotalk, Nanjing, China (2014)
Network structure of the cerebral cortex: observations on the grey and white matter in mice, monkeys and humans. Second Annual DK+ "Imaging the Mind" Summer School: "Aspects of functional and structural brain connectivity", Salzburg, Austria (2013)
Network structure of the cerebral cortex: observations on the grey and white matter in mice, humans and monkeys. Max-Planck-Institute for Cognitive and Brain Sciences, Leipzig, Germany (2013)