Publikationen von NK Totah

Preprint (5)

Kelberman, M.; Rodberg, E.; Arabzadeh, E.; Bair-Marshall, C.; Berridge, C.; Berrocoso, E.; Breton-Provencher, V.; Chandler, D.; Che, A.; Davy, O. et al.; Devilbiss, D.; Downs, A.; Drummond, G.; Dvorkin, R.; Fazlali, Z.; Froemke, R.; Glennon, E.; Gold, J.; Ito, H.; Jiang, X.; Johansen, J.; Kaye, A.; Kim, J.; Cuo, C.-C.; Liu, R.-J.; Liu, Y.; Llorca-Torralba, M.; McCall, J.; Llorca-Torralba, Z.; McKinney, A.; Miguelez, C.; Min, M.-Y.; Nowlan, A.; Omrani, M.; Poe, G.; Pickering, A.; Ranjbar-Slamloo, Y.; Razquin, J.; Rodenkirch, C.; Sales, A.; Satyasambit, R.; Shea, S.; Sur, M.; Tkaczynski, J.; Torres-Sanchez, S.; Uematsu, A.; Vazquez, C.; Vreven, A.; Wang, Q.; Waterhouse, B.; Yang, H.-W.; Yang, J.-H.; Zhao, L.; Zouridis, I.; Weinshenker, D.; Vazey, E.; Totah, N.: Diversity of ancestral brainstem noradrenergic neurons across species and multiple biological factors. (eingereicht)
Klein, F.; Vasilev, D.; Iwai, R.; Watanabe, M.; Totah, N.: Aberrant prefrontal activity and arousal level correlate with action initiation and response vigor. (eingereicht)
Vasilev, D.; Safaei, N.; Iwai, R.; Bahmani, H.; Zouridis, I.; Watanabe, M.; Logothetis, N.; Totah, N.: Focusing perceptual attention in the past constrains outcome-based learning in the future by adjusting cortico-cortical interactions. (eingereicht)
Saeedi, A.; Wang, K.; Nikpourian, G.; Bartels, A.; Totah, N.; Logothetis, N.; Watanabe, M.: Mouse primary visual cortex neurons respond to the illusory “darker than black” in neon color spreading. (eingereicht)
Vasilev, D.; Watanabe, M.; Logothetis, N.; Totah, N.: Focusing perceptual attention in one modality constrains subsequent learning in another modality. (eingereicht)
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