Publikationen von B Kim

Zeitschriftenartikel (2)

Yang, C.; Mammen, L.; Kim, B.; Robson, D.; Li, J.: A population code for spatial representation in the larval zebrafish telencephalon. Nature 634 (8033), S. 397 - 406 (2024)
Yang, C.; Mammen, L.; Kim, B.; Robson, D.; Li, J.: Publisher Correction: A population code for spatial representation in the zebrafish telencephalon. Nature 634 (8033), S. E6 (2024)

Meeting Abstract (1)

Meeting Abstract
Yang, C.; Mammen, L.; Kim, B.; Li, M.; Robson, D.; Li, J.: Uncovering spatial cognitive maps in zebrafish using brain-wide imaging in freely moving animals. In 5th Interdisciplinary Navigation Symposium (iNAV 2024), 11, S. 9 - 10. 5th Interdisciplinary Navigation Symposium (iNAV 2024), Merano, Italy, 17. Juni 2024 - 21. Juni 2024. (2024)

Poster (1)

Yang, C.; Mammen, L.; Kim, B.; Robson, D.; Li, J.: A population code for spatial representation in the larval zebrafish telencephalon. Computational and Systems Neuroscience Meeting (COSYNE 2023), Montreal, Quebec, Canada (2023)
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