Publikationen von KG Götz
Alle Typen
Konferenzbeitrag (21)
Vision in Drosophila I: Conversion of the retinal image into a stack of sensory maps: Hereditary defects. In: College in Neurophysics: Functional Organization of the Brain (SMR 183), S. 1 - 4. College in Neurophysics: Functional Organization of the Brain (SMR 183), Trieste, Italy, 13. Oktober 1986 - 07. November 1986. (1986)
Vision in Drosophila II: Flight control by evaluation of the movements of figure and ground. In: College in Neurophysics: Functional Organization of the Brain (SMR 183), S. 1 - 6. College in Neurophysics: Functional Organization of the Brain (SMR 183), Trieste, Italy, 13. Oktober 1986 - 07. November 1986. (1986)
Vision in Drosophila III: Functional flexibility: Search and choice. In: College in Neurophysics: Functional Organization of the Brain (SMR 183), S. 1 - 5. College in Neurophysics: Functional Organization of the Brain (SMR 183), Trieste, Italy, 13. Oktober 1986 - 07. November 1986. (1986)
Neural control of asynchronous flight muscles in flies during induced flight manoeuvres. In: Insect Locomotion, S. 215 - 222 (Hg. Gewecke, M.; Wendler, G.). Symposium 4.5 from the XVII. International Congress of Entomology 1984, Hamburg, Germany, 1984-08. Parey, Berlin, Germany (1985)
76, S. 83 - 99. 76. Jahresversammlung der Deutschen Zoologischen Gesellschaft 1983, Bonn, Germany, 23. Mai 1983 - 28. Mai 1983. Fischer, Stuttgart, Germany (1983)
Genetischer Abbau der visuellen Orientierung bei Drosophila [Genetic defects of visual orientation in Drosophila]. In: Verhandlungen der Deutschen Zoologischen Gesellschaft, Bd. 66.
Bewegungssehen und Flugsteuerung bei der Fliege Drosophila. In: Insect Flight II, S. 21 - 34 (Hg. Nachtigall, W.; Casey, T.; Bacon, J.). Symposium Physiology and Biophysics of Insect Flight 1982, Saarbrücken, Germany, 03. März 1982 - 05. März 1982. Fischer, Stuttgart, Germany (1983)
Visual guidance in Drosophila. International Conference on Development and Behavior of Drosophila Melanogaster, Bombay, India, 19. Dezember 1979 - 22. Dezember 1979. Development and Neurobiology of Drosophila, S. 391 - 407 (1980)
155, S. 10 - 33. 155. Jahresversammlung der Schweizerischen Naturforschenden Gesellschaft 1975, Aarau, Switzerland, 03. Oktober 1975 - 05. Oktober 1975. Birkhäuser, Basel, Switzerland (1977)
Sehen, Abbilden, Erkennen: Verhaltensforschung am visuellen System der Fruchtfliege Drosophila. In: Verhandlungen der Schweizerischen Naturforschenden Gesellschaft: Wissenschaftlicher und administrativer Teil, Bd. 69.
Visually guided movements: Group report. In: Function and Formation of Neural Systems: Report of the Dahlem Workshop on Function and Formation of Neural Systems, S. 309 - 327 (Hg. Stent, G.; Frank, E.). Dahlem Workshop on Function and Formation of Neural Systems, Berlin, Germany, 07. März 1977 - 11. März 1977. Abakon-Verlag, Berlin, Germany (1977)
Visual control of locomotion in the fruitfly Drosophila. In: 4th International Biophysics Congress of the International Union for Pure and Applied Biophysics (IUPAB 1972), 3, S. 491 - 507 (Hg. Frank, G.; Kayushin, L.). 4th International Biophysics Congress of the International Union for Pure and Applied Biophysics (IUPAB 1972), Moskva, Soviet Union, 07. August 1972 - 14. August 1972. Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Puščino, Soviet Union (1973)
Principles of optomotor reactions in insects. In: Cerebral control of eye movements and motion perception, S. 411 - 417 (Hg. Bizzi, E.; Dichgans, J.). Symposium on Cerebral Control of Eye Movements and Motion Perception 1971, Freiburg i.Br., Germany, 1971-07. Karger, Basel, Switzerland (1972)
Processing of cues from the moving environment in the Drosophila navigation system. In: Information Processing in the Visual Systems of Anthropods: Symposium Held at the Department of Zoology, University of Zurich, March 6–9, 1972, S. 255 - 263 (Hg. Wehner, R.). Symposium on Information Processing in the Visual Systems of Arthropods, Zürich, Switzerland, 06. März 1972 - 09. März 1972. Springer, Berlin, Germany (1972)
Reichardt, W.). Elaborazione di dati ottici da parte di organismi e di macchine: rendiconti della Scuola Internazionale di Fisica Enrico Fermi, XLIII corso, Varenna, Italy, 15. Juli 1968 - 27. Juli 1968. Academic Press, New York, NY, USA (1969)
Movement discrimination in insects. In: Processing of optical data by organisms and machines, S. 494 - 509 (Hg. 74.
Behavioral analysis of the visual system of the fruitfly Drosophila. In: Symposium on Information Processing in Sight Sensory Systems, S. 85 - 100 (Hg. Nye, P.). Symposium on Information Processing in Sight Sensory Systems, Pasadena, CA, USA, 01. November 1965 - 03. November 1965. Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA, USA (1965)
Meeting Abstract (4)
Meeting Abstract
32 (5), S. 34A. Annual Meeting of the American Society of Zoologists with the
Animal Behavior Society American Microscopical Society, The Canadian Society of Zoologists, The Crustacean Society, The International Association of Astacology, Vancouver, BC, Canada, 26. Dezember 1992 - 30. Dezember 1992. Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology(SI, McLean, VA (1992)
Unsteady Aerodynamic Performance of Model Fly Wing. In American Zoologist, 76.
Meeting Abstract
Classification and selection of visual targets in Drosophila. In XIX International Congress of Entomology, S. 101. XIX International Congress of Entomology (ICE 1992), Beijing, China, 28. Juni 1992 - 04. Juli 1992. (1992)
Meeting Abstract
4 (2), S. 133 - 135. First European Meeting of Drosophila Neurogenetics, Simonswald, Germany, 04. September 1986 - 07. September 1986. Elsevier, Amsterdam (1987)
Relapse to "preprogrammed" visual flight-control in a muscular subsystem of the Drosophila mutant "small optic lobes". In Journal of Neurogenetics, 78.
Meeting Abstract
366 (1), S. 116 - 117. 53. Konferenz der Gesellschaft für Biologische Chemie: Molecular Biology of Drosophila, Bochum, Germany, 05. Oktober 1985 - 06. Oktober 1985. W. de Gruyter, Berlin (1985)
Loss of flexibility in an optomotor flight control system of the Drosophila mutant "small optic lobes". In Biological Chemistry Hoppe-Seyler, Poster (14)
The effect of mirrored visual feedback on the EEG correlates of pointing direction. First Annual Meeting of the Vision Sciences Society (VSS 2001), Sarasota, FL, USA (2001)
Lateralisierung der hirnelektrischen Aktivität während Zeigebewegungen mit gespiegeltem Blickfeld. 4. Tübinger Wahrnehmungskonferenz (TWK 2001), Tübingen, Germany (2001)