Publikationen von M Bethge
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Meeting Abstract (23)
Meeting Abstract
25 (Supplement 1), S23-1, S. 179. 13th Göttingen Meeting of the German Neuroscience Society, 37th Göttingen Neurobiology Conference, Göttingen, Germany, 20. März 2019 - 23. März 2019. (2019)
Lack of Robustness in Artificial Neural Networks. In Neuroforum,
Meeting Abstract
18 (10), 32.21, S. 371. 18th Annual Meeting of the Vision Sciences Society (VSS 2018), St. Pete Beach, FL, USA, 18. Mai 2018 - 23. Mai 2018. Scholar One, Inc., Charlottesville, VA (2018)
Extending DeepGaze II: Scanpath prediction from deep features. In Journal of Vision,
Meeting Abstract
45 (ECVP Abstract Supplement), S. 175 - 176. 39th European Conference on Visual Perception (ECVP 2016), Barcelona, Spain, 29. August 2016 - 01. September 2016. Pion Ltd., London (2016)
Towards matching the peripheral visual appearance of arbitrary scenes using deep convolutional neural networks. In Perception,
Meeting Abstract
Testing models of peripheral encoding using metamerism in an oddity paradigm. In TeaP 2016: Abstracts of the 58th Conference of Experimental Psychologists, S. 364 - 365 (Hg. Funke, J.; Rummel, J.; Voss, A.). 58th Conference of Experimental Psychologists (TeaP 2016), Heidelberg, Germany, 21. März 2016 - 23. März 2016. Pabst, Lengerich, Germany (2016)
Meeting Abstract
Correlations and signatures of criticality in neural population models. In Bernstein Conference 2015, C2, S. 27 - 28. Bernstein Conference 2015, Heidelberg, Germany, 15. September 2015 - 17. September 2015. (2015)
Meeting Abstract
15 (12), S. 554 - 554. 15th Annual Meeting of the Vision Sciences Society (VSS 2015), St. Pete Beach, FL, USA. (2015)
Metamers of the ventral stream revisited. In Journal of Vision,
Meeting Abstract
Synaptic unreliability facilitates information transmission in balanced cortical populations. In . 79. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft und DPG-Frühjahrstagung, Berlin, Germany. (2015)
Meeting Abstract
What the mouse eye tells the mouse brain: Fingerprinting the retinal ganglion cell types of the mouse retina. In 15th Conference of Junior Neuroscientists of Tübingen (NeNa 2014): The Changing Face of Publishing and Scientific Evaluation, S. 10 - 10. 15th Conference of Junior Neuroscientists of Tübingen (NeNa 2014): The Changing Face of Publishing and Scientific Evaluation, Schramberg, Germany. (2014)
Meeting Abstract
Synaptic unreliability facilitates information transmission in balanced cortical populations. In 15th Conference of Junior Neuroscientists of Tübingen (NeNa 2014): The Changing Face of Publishing and Scientific Evaluation, S. 11 - 11. 15th Conference of Junior Neuroscientists of Tübingen (NeNa 2014): The Changing Face of Publishing and Scientific Evaluation, Schramberg, Germany. (2014)
Meeting Abstract
Synaptic unreliability facilitates information transmission in balanced cortical populations. In Bernstein Conference 2014, S. 21 - 21. Bernstein Conference 2014, Göttingen, Germany. (2014)
Meeting Abstract
How Sensitive Is the Human Visual System to the Local Statistics of Natural Images? In VSS Satellite Meeting: Computational and Mathematical Models in Vision (MODVIS 2013). VSS Satellite Meeting: Computational and Mathematical Models in Vision (MODVIS 2013), Naples, FL, USA, 08. Mai 2013 - 09. Mai 2013. (2013)
Meeting Abstract
The bipolar cell terminal as a selective spatio-temporal filter. In 10th Göttingen Meeting of the German Neuroscience Society, 34th Göttingen Neurobiology Conference, S2-3, S. 25. 10th Göttingen Meeting of the German Neuroscience Society, 34th Göttingen Neurobiology Conference, Göttingen, Germany. (2013)
Meeting Abstract
40 (1 Supplement), S. 18. 34th European Conference on Visual Perception (ECVP 2011), Toulouse, France, 28. August 2011 - 01. September 2011. Pion Ltd., London (2011)
Sensitivity to local higher-order correlations in natural images. In Perception,
Meeting Abstract
2010 (Conference Abstract: Bernstein Conference on Computational Neuroscience). Bernstein Conference on Computational Neuroscience (BCCN 2010), Berlin, Germany, 27. September 2010 - 01. Oktober 2010. Frontiers Research Foundation, Lausanne (2010)
Toolbox for inference in generalized linear models of spiking neurons. In Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience,
Meeting Abstract
2010 (Conference Abstract: Bernstein Conference on Computational Neuroscience). Bernstein Conference on Computational Neuroscience (BCCN 2010), Berlin, Germany, 27. September 2010 - 01. Oktober 2010. Frontiers Research Foundation, Lausanne (2010)
Evaluating neuronal codes for inference using Fisher information. In Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience,
Meeting Abstract
2010 (Conference Abstract: Computational and Systems Neuroscience 2010). 7th Computational and Systems Neuroscience Meeting (COSYNE 2010), Salt Lake City, UT, USA, 25. Februar 2010 - 28. Februar 2010. Frontiers Research Foundation, Lausanne, Switzerland (2010)
Implications of correlated neuronal noise in decision making circuits for physiology and behavior. In Frontiers in Neuroscience,
Meeting Abstract
2009 (Conference Abstract: Bernstein Conference on Computational Neuroscience), S. 24 - 25. Bernstein Conference on Computational Neuroscience (BCCN 2009), Frankfurt a.M., Germany, 30. September 2009 - 02. Oktober 2009. Frontiers Research Foundation, Lausanne (2009)
Neurometric function analysis of short-term population codes. In Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience,
Meeting Abstract
What is the goal of neural image processing in the retina? In 8th Göttingen Meeting of the German Neuroscience Society, 32nd Göttingen Neurobiology Conference, S2-6, S. 148. 8th Göttingen Meeting of the German Neuroscience Society, 32nd Göttingen Neurobiology Conference, Göttingen, Germany, 25. März 2009 - 29. März 2009. (2009)
Meeting Abstract
2008 (Conference Abstract: Bernstein Symposium 2008). Bernstein Symposium 2008, München, Germany, 08. Oktober 2008 - 10. Oktober 2008. Frontiers Research Foundation, Lausanne (2008)
How pairwise correlations affect the redundancy in large populations of neurons. In Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience,
Meeting Abstract
Linking V1 receptive field properties to optimal coding principles. In 37th Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience (Neuroscience 2007), 768.6. 37th Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience (Neuroscience 2007), San Diego, CA, USA, 03. November 2007 - 07. November 2007. (2007)