Publikationen von A Breska
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Zeitschriftenartikel (27)
44 (40), e1234242024 (2024)
Challenges and Approaches in the Study of Neural Entrainment. The Journal of Neuroscience 2.
59 (5), S. 1047 - 1060 (2024)
Mechanisms of Sustained Perceptual Entrainment after Stimulus Offset. European Journal of Neuroscience: European Neuroscience Association 3.
43 (21), JN-RM-1663-22, S. 3909 - 3921 (2023)
Phase alignment of low-frequency neural activity to the amplitude envelope of speech reflects evoked responses to acoustic edges, not oscillatory entrainment. The Journal of Neuroscience 4.
11, e75801 (2022)
Contextual effects in sensorimotor adaptation adhere to associative learning rules. eLife 5.
11, e69977 (2022)
Left Hemisphere Dominance for Bilateral Kinematic Encoding in the Human Brain. eLife 6.
41 (42), S. 8779 - 8789 (2021)
Differential Effects of Cerebellar Degeneration on Feedforward versus Feedback Control across Speech and Reaching Movements. The Journal of Neuroscience 7.
10, e66743, S. 1 - 11 (2021)
The human cerebellum is essential for modulating perceptual sensitivity based on temporal expectations. eLife 8.
6 (49), eabb1141, S. 1 - 15 (2020)
Context-specific control over the neural dynamics of temporal attention by the human cerebellum. Science Advances 9.
29, S. 82 - 89 (2019)
Neural entrainment and network resonance in support of top-down guided attention. Current Opinion in Psychology 10.
12 (4), S. 992 - 1000 (2019)
Individual differences in TMS sensitivity influence the efficacy of tDCS in facilitating sensorimotor adaptation. Brain Stimulation 11.
18 (2), S. 266 - 286 (2019)
Consensus paper: Decoding the Contributions of the Cerebellum as a Time Machine: From Neurons to Clinical Applications. The Cerebellum 12.
115 (48), S. 12283 - 12288 (2018)
Double dissociation of single-interval and rhythmic temporal prediction in cerebellar degeneration and Parkinson's disease. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 13.
15 (9), S. 1 - 4 (2017)
Dance to the rhythm, cautiously: Isolating unique indicators of oscillatory entrainment. PLoS Biology 14.
15 (2), S. 1 - 30 (2017)
Neural mechanisms of rhythm-based temporal prediction: Delta phase-locking reflects temporal predictability but not rhythmic entrainment. PLoS Biology 15.
31 (1), S. 81 - 90 (2017)
The external validity of the concealed information test: The effect of choosing to commit a mock crime. Applied Cognitive Psychology 16.
36 (27), S. 7154 - 7166 (2016)
When Synchronizing to Rhythms Is Not a Good Thing: Modulations of Preparatory and Post-Target Neural Activity When Shifting Attention Away from On-Beat Times of a Distracting Rhythm. The Journal of Neuroscience 17.
8, S. 282 - 288 (2016)
Taxonomies of Timing: Where Does the Cerebellum Fit In? Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences 18.
27 (11), S. 2133 - 2146 (2015)
Evidence of Change of Intention in Picking Situations. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 19.
106, S. 68 - 78 (2015)
Retroactive memory interference: a potential countermeasure technique against psychophysiological knowledge detection methods. Biological Psychology 20.
26 (7), S. 1555 - 1571 (2014)
Automatic bias of temporal expectations following temporally regular input independently of high-level temporal expectation. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience