Publikationen von M Li

Zeitschriftenartikel (22)

Derntl, B.; Hornung, J.; Sen, Z.; Colic, L.; Li, M.; Walter, M.: Interaction of sex and age on the dissociative effects of ketamine action in young healthy participants. Frontiers in Neuroscience 13, 616, S. 1 - 8 (2019)
Zhan, Y.; Zhang, B.; Zheng, W.; Liu, W.; Wang, C.; Li, H.; Chen, L.; Yu, L.; Walter, M.; Li, M. et al.; Li, M.; Ying, Y.: A preliminary study of anti-suicidal efficacy of repeated ketamine infusions in depression with suicidal ideation. Journal of Affective Disorders 251, S. 205 - 212 (2019)

Meeting Abstract (2)

Meeting Abstract
Golbabaei, S.; Krylova, M.; Winter, N.; Izyurov, I.; Meilicke, H.; McClain, L.; Eichhorn, J.; Güllmar, D.; Hamit, L.; Buder, A. et al.; Li, M.; Walter, M.; Colic, L.: Neural Dynamics of Social Stress: Insights from fMRI and Heart Rate Variability. In British Association of Cognitive Neuroscience Annual Meeting. Annual Meeting of the British Association of Cognitive Neuroscience (BACN 2024), London, UK, 10. September 2024 - 11. September 2024. (2024)
Meeting Abstract
Sen, C.; Chand, T.; Danyely, L.; Kumar, V.; Colic, L.; Li, M.; Javaheripour, N.; Yemisken, M.; Deliano, M.; Walter, M.: The effect of s-ketamine administration on affective modulation of the startle reflex. In Neuroscience Applied, 1 (Supplement 2), 100398, S. 149. 35th ECNP Congress, Wien, Austria, 15. Oktober 2022 - 18. Oktober 2022. Elsevier, Amsterdam, The Netherlands (2022)

Vortrag (2)

Kumar, V.; Li, M.: Predefined parcellation schemes or personalized parcellation schemes? ESMRMB Lectures on MR: Resting State fMRI, Tübingen, Germany (2019)
Li, M.: Local vs. global resting state features. ESMRMB Lectures on MR: Resting State fMRI, Tübingen, Germany (2019)

Poster (11)

Izyurov, I.; Krylova, M.; Alizadeh, S.; Jamalabadi, H.; Li, M.; Walter, M.: Implementing dynamic time warping algorithm for estimation training performance in fMRI neurofeedback. 20th Conference of Junior Neuroscientists (NeNa 2019) , Schramberg, Germany (2019)
Martens, L.; Them, J.; Li, M.; Colic, L.; Walter, M.; Kroemer, N.: Acute effects of ketamine on cortico-striatal connectivity and gene co-expression associations. 20th Conference of Junior Neuroscientists (NeNa 2019) , Schramberg, Germany (2019)
Martens, L.; Kroemer, N.; Teckentrup, V.; Colic, L.; Palomero-Gallagher, N.; Li, M.; Walter, M.: Parcellations of pregenual anterior cingulate improve prediction of local glutamate from whole-brain functional connectivity. 45. Jahrestagung Psychologie und Gehirn (PuG 2019), Dresden, Germany (2019)
Colic, L.; Von Duering, F.; Denzel, D.; Demenescu, L.; Lord, A.; Martens, L.; Lison, S.; Frommer, J.; Vogel, M.; Kaufmann, J. et al.; Speck, O.; Li, M.; Walter, M.: Ventral anterior cingulate glutamatergic disbalance in major depressive disorder depends on symptom severity. ECNP Workshop for Early Carer Scientists in Europe, Nice, France (2019)
Danyeli, L.; Colic, L.; von Düring, F.; Demenescu, L.; Li, M.; Walter, M.: Excitation / inhibition balance in the aMCC influences resting state activity in the CEN. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie, Psychosomatik und Nervenheilkunde e. V. (DGPPN 2018), Berlin, Germany (2018)
Denzel, D.; Colic, L.; Demenescu, R.; Von Düring, F.; Ristow, I.; Fensky, L.; Li, M.; Walter, M.: Local glutamate metabolism in the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) subregions differentially correlates with affective network during face processing. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie, Psychosomatik und Nervenheilkunde e. V. (DGPPN 2018), Berlin, Germany (2018)
Fensky, L.; Kühnel, A.; Ade, J.; Widmann, A.; Colic, L.; Li, M.; Walter, M.; Demenescu, L.: Emotional childhood neglect leads to altered GABA concentration in pgACC. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie, Psychosomatik und Nervenheilkunde e. V. (DGPPN 2018), Berlin, Germany (2018)
Ristow, I.; Li, M.; Colic, L.; Walter, H.; Beier, K.; Krüger, T.; Ponseti, J.; Schiffer, B.; Walter, M.: Pedophilic sex offenders elicit functional and metabolic abnormalities in dorsal anterior cingulate cortex: an fMRI and MRS study. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie, Psychosomatik und Nervenheilkunde e. V. (DGPPN 2018), Berlin, Germany (2018)
Walter, M.; Borchardt, V.; Fan, Y.; Dietz, M.; Herrera Melendez, A.; Li, M.; Bajbouj, N.; Gärtner, M.; Grimm, S.: Echoes of sad mood induction in brain networks. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie, Psychosomatik und Nervenheilkunde e. V. (DGPPN 2018), Berlin, Germany (2018)
Colic, L.; Demenescu, L.; Denzel, D.; von During, F.; Danyeli, L.; Li, M.; Walter, M.: Glutamate and GABA measured in the aMCC influence resting state activity in the extended salience network. Sixth Biennial Conference on Resting-State and Brain Connectivity, Montreal, Canada (2018)
Martens, L.; von Düring, F.; Colic, L.; Li, S.; Demenescu, L.; Denzel, D.; Ristow, I.; Vogel, M.; Lison, S.; Speck, O. et al.; Li, M.; Li, M.; Walter, M.: Histoarchitectonically distinct regions of anterior cingulate show altered glutamatergic metabolism in major depressive disorder. Joint Annual Meeting ISMRM-ESMRMB 2018, Paris, France (2018)

Preprint (1)

Shi, D.; Li, M.; Walter, M.; Noori, H.: Thermodynamic properties and Hilbert space of the human brain. (eingereicht)
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