Publikationen von V Buendía
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Zeitschriftenartikel (11)
20 (10), e1012510 (2024)
Structural influences on synaptic plasticity: the role of presynaptic connectivity in the emergence of E/I co-tuning. PLOS Computational Biology
6 (2), 023131 (2024)
Topology-dependent coalescence controls scaling exponents in finite networks. Physical Review Research
9 (34), eade1755 (2023)
Modular architecture facilitates noise-driven control of synchrony in neuronal networks. Science Advances
4, L042027 (2022)
The excitatory-inhibitory branching process: a parsimonious view of cortical asynchronous states, excitability, and criticality. Physical Review Research
380 (2227), 20200424 (2022)
The broad edge of synchronization: Griffiths effects and collective phenomena in brain networks. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences
The broad edge of synchronisation: Griffiths effects and collective phenomena in brain networks. (eingereicht)
3 (2), 023224 (2021)
Hybrid-type synchronization transitions: Where incipient oscillations, scale-free avalanches, and bistability live together. Physical Review Research
8, 333 (2020)
Feedback Mechanisms for Self-Organization to the Edge of a Phase Transition. Frontiers in Physics
2, 013318 (2020)
Self-organized bistability and its possible relevance for brain dynamics. Physical Review Research
9, 15183 (2019)
Jensen’s force and the statistical mechanics of cortical asynchronous states. Scientific Reports
8, 12476 (2018)
Limited role of spatial self-structuring in emergent trade-offs during pathogen evolution. Scientific Reports Konferenzband (1)
Whole brain dynamics: Modeling and applications. Satellite Workshops of the Bernstein Conference 2023: Whole brain dynamics: Modeling and applications, Berlin, Germany, 26. September 2023. (2023)
Konferenzbeitrag (1)
Locally adaptive cellular automata for goal-oriented self-organization. In: ALIFE 2023: Ghost in the Machine: Proceedings of the 2023 Artificial Life Conference, S. 410 - 419 (Hg. Iizuka, H.; Suzuki, K.; Uno, R.; Damiano, L.; Spychala, N. et al.). ALIFE 2023: Ghost in the Machine: The 2021 Conference on Artificial Life, Sapporo, Japan, 24. Juli 2023 - 28. Juli 2023. MIT Press (2023)
Meeting Abstract (4)
Meeting Abstract
52 (Supplement 1), O5, S. S8 - S9. 32nd Annual Computational Neuroscience Meeting (CNS*2023), Leipzig, Germany, 15. Juli 2023 - 19. Juli 2023. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston (2024)
Local excitation and lateral inhibition enable the simultaneous processing of multiple signals in recurrent neural networks. In Journal of Computational Neuroscience,
Meeting Abstract
On mesoscopic, finite-size populations of stochastic coupled oscillators. In III Conference of the Italian Society of Statistical Physics (SIFS 2023). III Conference of the Italian Society of Statistical Physics (SIFS 2023), Parma, Italy, 21. Juni 2023 - 23. Juni 2023. (2023)
Meeting Abstract
The excitatory-inhibitory branching process: a parsimonious view of cor- tical asynchronous states, excitability, and criticality. In II Conference of the Italian Society of Statistical Physics (SIFS 2022), XXVI National Conference of Statistical Physics and Complex Systems. II Conference of the Italian Society of Statistical Physics (SIFS 2022), XXVI National Conference of Statistical Physics and Complex Systems, Parma, Italy, 20. Juni 2022 - 22. Juni 2022. (2022)
Meeting Abstract
Sincronización crítica en el cerebro: una perspectiva físico-estadística. In I Congreso FisEs '21 Joven. I Congreso FisEs '21 Joven, 05. Mai 2021 - 06. Mai 2021. (2021)
Vortrag (2)
Synchronization transitions and brain criticality. Young Seminars SIFS: Società Italiana di Fisica Statistics, Roma, Italy (2022)
Jensen’s force and the origin of asynchronous irregular states. International Conference on Mathematical Neuroscience (ICMNS 2021) (2021)
Poster (14)
Overlapping E/I neuronal assemblies generate rich network dynamics and enable complex computations. Research in Encoding and Decoding of Neural Ensembles (AREADNE 2024), Milos, Greece (2024)