Publikationen von M Spitschan
Alle Typen
Zeitschriftenartikel (73)
6 (1), S. 114 - 128 (2024)
Power analysis for human melatonin suppression experiments. Clocks & Sleep
13 (1), 22151 (2023)
An inventory of human light exposure related behaviour. Scientific Reports
56 (1), 2298875 (2023)
Selecting, implementing and evaluating control and placebo conditions in light therapy and light-based interventions. Annals of Medicine
10 (2), S. 237 - 246 (2023)
Human-Centric Lighting Research and Policy in the Melanopsin Age. Behavioral and Brain Sciences
7 (1), S. 139 - 149 (2023)
Usability and Acceptability of a Corneal-Plane α-Opic Light Logger in a 24-h Field Trial. Digital Biomarkers
13 (1), 12425 (2023)
Light exposure behaviors predict mood, memory and sleep quality. Scientific Reports
17 (2023)
The impact of Alzheimer's disease risk factors on the pupillary light response. Frontiers in Neuroscience
23 (7), 10 (2023)
PySilSub: An open-source Python toolbox for implementing the method of silent substitution in vision and nonvisual photoreception research. Journal of Vision
Wie die Lichtwahrnehmung unsere innere Uhr beeinflusst (How photoreception affects our inner clock). Zeitschrift für praktische Augenheilkunde & augenärztliche Fortbildung (44), S. 375 - 378 (2023)
6 (1), 228 (2023)
Melanopic irradiance defines the impact of evening display light on sleep latency, melatonin and alertness. Communications Biology
98, 104889 (2023)
ENLIGHT: A consensus checklist for reporting laboratory-based studies on the non-visual effects of light in humans. EBioMedicine
38 (1), S. 15 - 33 (2023)
Light on Shedding: A Review of Sex and Menstrual Cycle Differences in the Physiological Effects of Light in Humans. Journal of Biological Rhythms
16 (4), S. 475 - 491 (2022)
White Paper: Open Digital Health - accelerating transparent and scalable health promotion and treatment. Health Psychology Review
54 (6), S. 2720 - 2739 (2022)
PyPlr: A versatile, integrated system of hardware and software for researching the human pupillary light reflex. Behavior Research Methods
66, 101717 (2022)
Reproducibility in sleep and circadian science systematic reviews and meta-analyses. Sleep Medicine Reviews
8 (12), 20552076221144858 (2022)
Verification, analytical validation and clinical validation (V3) of wearable dosimeters and light loggers. Digital Health
45 (11), zsac199 (2022)
Melatonin suppression does not automatically alter sleepiness, vigilance, sensory processing, or sleep. Sleep
54 (5), S. 2622 - 2624 (2022)
Correction to: PyPlr: A versatile, integrated system of hardware and software for researching the human pupillary light reflex. Behavior Research Methods
6, 69 (2022)
luox: validated reference open-access and open-source web platform for calculating and sharing physiologically relevant quantities for light and lighting. Wellcome Open Research
20 (3) (2022)
Recommendations for daytime, evening, and nighttime indoor light exposure to best support physiology, sleep, and wakefulness in healthy adults. PLoS Biology