Publikationen von PU Tse
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Zeitschriftenartikel (13)
15 (10), S. 708 - 710 (2004)
The Distribution of Microsaccade Directions Need Not Reveal the Location of Attention: Reply to Rolfs, Engbert, and Kliegl. Psychological Science
14 (2), S. 91 - 99 (2003)
Attentional enhancement opposite a peripheral flash revealed using change blindness. Psychological Science
42 (13), S. 1663 - 1669 (2002)
Fixational eye movements are not affected by abrupt onsets that capture attention. Vision Research
64 (2), S. 244 - 265 (2002)
The duration of 3-D form analysis in transformational apparent motion. Perception and Psychophysics
109 (1), S. 91 - 115 (2002)
A contour propagation approach to surface filling-in and volume formation. Psychological Review
63 (3), S. 390 - 403 (2001)
Curvature discontinuities are cues for rapid shape analysis. Perception and Psychophysics
62 (8), S. 1619 - 1624 (2000)
The spoke brightness illusion originates at an early motion processing stage. Perception and Psychophysics
29 (7), S. 874 - 876 (2000)
The sawtooth illusion. Perception
29 (4), S. 409 - 420 (2000)
The Role of Surface Attraction in Perceiving Volumetric Shape. Perception
28 (10), S. 1231 - 1242 (1999)
Wakes and spokes: New motion-induced brightness illusions. Perception
102 (2-3), S. 165 - 201 (1999)
Complete mergeability and amodal completion. Acta Psychologica
39 (1), S. 37 - 68 (1999)
Volume completion. Cognitive Psychology
27 (4), S. 455 - 464 (1998)
Amodal Completion in the Absence of Image Tangent Discontinuities. Perception Meeting Abstract (4)
Meeting Abstract
30 (ECVP Abstract Supplement), S. 9. Twenty-fourth European Conference on Visual Perception (ECVP 2001), Kusadasi, Turkey, 26. August 2001 - 30. August 2001. Pion Ltd., London (2001)
A contour propagation approach to surface filling-in and volume formation. In Perception,
Meeting Abstract
29 (ECVP Abstract Supplement), S. 100. 23rd European Conference on Visual Perception (ECVP 2000), Groningen, The Netherlands, 27. August 2000 - 31. August 2000. Pion Ltd., London (2000)
How the window of attention changes shape over time. In Perception,
Meeting Abstract
25 (1), 429.5, S. 1053. 29th Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience (Neuroscience 1999), Miami Beach, FL, USA, 23. Oktober 1999 - 28. Oktober 1999. (1999)
The speed of segmentation in the human motion pathway and its role in solving the motion correspondence problem. In Society for Neuroscience Abstracts,
Meeting Abstract
28 (ECVP Abstract Supplement), S. 60. 22nd European Conference on Visual Perception (ECVP 1999), Trieste, Italy, 22. August 1999 - 26. August 1999. Pion Ltd., London (1999)
Transformational apparent motion in the volume domain. In Perception, Poster (5)
Using Glass Patterns and fMRI to identify areas that process global form in macaque visual cortex. Second Annual Meeting of the Vision Sciences Society (VSS 2002), Sarasota, FL, USA (2002)
Spatial attention elongates both toward and away from an exogenous flash. First Annual Meeting of the Vision Sciences Society (VSS 2001), Sarasota, FL, USA (2001)
Using glass patterns and fMRI to identify areas that process global form in macaque visual cortex. 31st Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience (Neuroscience 2001), San Diego, CA, USA (2001)