
Publikationen von P Povolni

Zeitschriftenartikel (2)

Berkmann, F.; Povolni, P.; Schwarz, D.; Fischer, I.: Influence of material and geometry parameters on resonance linewidths of plasmonic modes in gratings made from highly doped Ge1−xSnx. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 57 (43), 435103 (2024)
Myers, J.; Bullinger, F.; Kempf, N.; Plaumann, M.; Ortmeier, A.; Theis, T.; Povolni, P.; Romanowski, J.; Engelmann, J.; Scheffler, K. et al.; Hövener, J.-B.; Buckenmaier, K.; Körber, A.; Pravdivtsev, A.: Zero to ultralow magnetic field NMR of [1-13 C] pyruvate and [2-13 C] pyruvate enabled by SQUID sensors and hyperpolarization. Physical Review B 109, 184443 (2024)

Konferenzbeitrag (1)

Povolni, P.; Schwarz, D.; Clausen, C.; Elogaitgal, Y.; Funk, H.; Oehme, M.; Weißhaupt, D.; Schulze, J.: Electrical Characterization of Fabricated pin Diodes made from SixGe1-x-ySny with an Embedded Ge1-xSnx Quantum Well. In: 42nd International Convention on Information and Communication Technology, Electronics and Microelectronics (MIPRO 2019), S. 7 - 12 (Hg. Koricic, M.). 42nd International Convention on Information and Communication Technology, Electronics and Microelectronics (MIPRO 2019), Opatija, Croatia, 20. Mai 2019 - 24. Mai 2019. IEEE, Piscataway, NJ, USA (2019)

Meeting Abstract (1)

Meeting Abstract
Bullinger, F.; Kempf, N.; Povolni, P.; Neumann, R.; Engelmann, J.; Romanowski, J.; Pravdivtsev , A.; Körber, R.; Plaumann, M.; Scheffler, K. et al.; Buckenmaier, K.: Magnetic resonance in the zero and ultralow field regime: a transition from one-dimensional oscillation to precession. In 26th Annual Meeting of the German-speaking section of ISMRM: DACH-ISMRM 2024, 104, S. 40 - 41. DACH-ISMRM Annual Meeting 2024, Tübingen, Germany, 04. September 2024 - 05. September 2024. (2024)

Poster (5)

Maltsev, S.; Povolni, P.; Schneider, M.; Scheffler, K.; Buckenmaier, K.: SQUID based Method of Evaluating Noise Characteristics of High Temperature Superconductors used in Novel Low Field MRI Scanner Designs. DACH-ISMRM Annual Meeting 2024, Tübingen, Germany (2024)
Povolni, P.; Bendfeld, R.; Maltsev, S.; Buckenmaier, K.; Scheffler, K.: A Low-Cost Magnetic Measurement System for Low-Field MRI Magnets based on a Motion Tracked Flexible-Joint Robot with 5 Degrees of Freedom. DACH-ISMRM Annual Meeting 2024, Tübingen, Germany (2024)
Samlow, J.; Maltsev, S.; Buckenmaier, K.; Scheffler, K.; Povolni, P.: Easy Rebuildable Cubic 3-Axis Positioning Robot Based on Open-Source Hardware: Validated via Camera-Based Motion Tracking and Initial Application in Magnetic Low Field Mapping. DACH-ISMRM Annual Meeting 2024, Tübingen, Germany (2024)
Buckenmaier, K.; Bullinger, F.; Kempf, N.; Neumann, R.; Povolni, P.; Engelmann, J.; Scheffler, K.; Mysegaes, F.; Assaf, C.; Myers, J. et al.; Ortmeier, A.; Körber, R.; Pohlmann, P.; Martins, A.; Theis, T.; Pravdivtsev, A.; Plaumann, M.: Imaging strategies for hyperpolarized contrast agents within the ultralow-field regime. 20th European Magnetic Resonance Congress (EUROMAR 2024), Bilbao, Spain (2024)
Povolni, P.; Bendfeld, R.; Maltsev, S.; Buckenmaier, K.; Scheffler, K.: A Low-Cost Magnetic Measurement System for Low-Field MRI Magnets based on a Motion Tracked Flexible-Joint Robot with 5 Degrees of Freedom. 20th European Magnetic Resonance Congress (EUROMAR 2024), Bilbao, Spain (2024)

Preprint (1)

Buckenmaier, K.; Neumann, R.; Bullinger, F.; Kempf, N.; Povolni, P.; Engelmann, J.; Samlow, J.; Hövener, J.-B.; Scheffler, K.; Ortmeier, A. et al.; Plaumann, M.; Körber, R.; Theis, T.; Pravdivtsev, A.: Indirect Zero Field NMR Spectroscopy. (eingereicht)
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