Publikationen von D Chaimow
Alle Typen
Zeitschriftenartikel (7)
379 (1915), 20230085 (2024)
Closed-loop fMRI at the mesoscopic scale of columns and layers: Can we do it and why would we want to? Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, Series B: Biological Sciences 2.
7 (1), 1140 (2024)
Dynamic layer-specific processing in the prefrontal cortex during working memory. Communications Biology 3.
6 (12), e28716 (2011)
Mapping the organization of axis of motion selective features in human area MT using high-field fMRI. PLoS One 4.
56 (2), S. 627 - 642 (2011)
Modeling and analysis of mechanisms underlying fMRI-based decoding of information conveyed in cortical columns. NeuroImage 5.
49 (3), S. 1957 - 1964 (2010)
Mechanisms underlying decoding at 7 T: Ocular dominance columns, broad structures, and macroscopic blood vessels in V1 convey information on the stimulated eye. NeuroImage 6.
35 (2), S. 539 - 552 (2007)
Spatio-temporal point-spread function of fMRI signal in human gray matter at 7 Tesla. NeuroImage 7.
16 (10), S. 1474 - 1486 (2006)
Quantitative Aspects of Corticocortical Connections: A Tracer Study in the Mouse. Cerebral Cortex Meeting Abstract (2)
Meeting Abstract
Multi-resolution classification analysis of ocular dominance columns obtained from human V1 at 7 Tesla: mechanisms underlying decoding signals. In 16th Scientific Meeting and Exhibition of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM 2008), 157, S. 27. 16th Scientific Meeting and Exhibition of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM 2008), Toronto, Canada, 03. Mai 2008 - 09. Mai 2008. (2008)
Meeting Abstract
Multi-resolution classification analysis of ocular dominance columns obtained at 7 Tesla from human V1: mechanisms underlying decoding signals. In 37th Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience (Neuroscience 2007), 451.9. 37th Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience (Neuroscience 2007), San Diego, CA, USA, 03. November 2007 - 07. November 2007. (2007)
Poster (3)
Origin of "decoding" signals in the visual cortex: gray matter or macroscopic blood vessels? 13th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping (HBM 2007), Chicago, IL, USA (2007)
Contextual effects on the perception of stimulus dimensions. 28th European Conference on Visual Perception (ECVP 2005), A Coruña, Spain (2005)
Quantification of Anterogradely Stained Axons in the Cerebral Cortex. 7th Tübingen Perception Conference (TWK 2004), Tübingen, Germany (2004)
Preprint (1)
Challenges in replicating layer-specificity of working memory processes in human dlPFC. (eingereicht)